The $0-$1M Soloprenuer Sponsorship Opportunities

Audience and Reach:

  • Reach: 2,000+ and growing
  • Audience: Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Creators, & Freelancers.
  • Job Titles: Founder, CEO, and Sr. Account Executives
  • Average open rate: 66%
  • Average sponsorship views: 1,400+
  • Average sponsorship clicks: 50 - 160 depending on relevancy
  • Cost: $250  
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What You Get As A Sponsor:

→ When you purchase a sponsorship, you get 4 advertisements in our newsletter.

→ Your ad will be 1 of a maximum of 2 ads in the next 4 issues. 

→ The newsletter is published at 9 am MST every Monday morning, and you can expect 20-300 visitors to your website or offer, depending on relevancy.

→ Your sponsorship will also remain live forever on each newsletter as they are published on my website and visited 500+ times per year as I promote them on social media.

The cost to run an ad is $250.

* Please note that there are no cancellations or reschedules due to timing, availability, and holding the date.

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Ad Creative Requirements:

- Ads are text only and can be 2 sentences long. Each sponsor can include two CTAs.

- You will supply the copy and I will edit it to fit my voice.

- Ad copy is due 72 hours prior to the newsletter date.

- All ads are subject to editorial approval.

 → Reserve your sponsorship here. ($250)


Any questions? Email [email protected]

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